How I Learned to Lucid Dream at Only 14 Years Old with A Simple Change in Mindset

You’ve just stumbled upon my ultimate lucid dreaming resource, based on inducing thousands of extraordinary lucid dreams of my own.

These are all myths, propagated by naïvety and ignorance. When it comes to the general population, many people have miscomprehensions about many things.

Let me tell you what this is all about… and why I think you’re certifiably crazy if you don’t decide to learn this incredible life-altering skill…

My name is Rebecca Turner. I’m a lucid dreamer, best known for creating the popular website, World of Lucid Dreaming. Through my site, I’ve helped transform the dream-lives of thousands of individuals, turning their regular dreams into amazing lucid dreams.

And over the last four years, I’ve been creating my ultimate lesson plan for discovering lucid dreaming, using the most simplified principles and techniques I know.

Many of my students choose to start lucid dreaming so that can enact their wildest physical and sexual fantasies, in amazing realism, in the safety of a virtual reality playground.

That’s because we’re all ego-driven beings… Who wouldn’t want to run wild in a high definition dream world – without consequences, physical laws or restraint?

Yet, during my years of lucid dreaming, I’ve found that the benefits run much deeper than that. Which is why I encourage all my students to fulfil advanced goals like…

Improving Creativity exploring the dreamscape. Discover unseen works of Dali in your dream gallery, compose beautiful music with Mozart, or direct a movie with Chris Nolan. Your dreaming mind has huge creative potential.

Overcoming Fears by facing them down in the safety of the lucid dream world. Confront your fear of heights – or make friends with a pet tarantula. This is a safe place to realign your deepest beliefs and overcome irrational fears.

Talking to The Subconscious Mind…Click Here to Find Out More